...an expansion I bought as soon as I logged onto Steam this morning, as for only four dollars it promised a
giant were-badger. Total badger sightings remain at zero, but I'm already officially a satisfied customer - after only half an hour, no less. Why?
Pig agriculture has apparently become more sophisticated in Reign of Giants. |
There have been other notable developments in porcine society, one of which is of particular interest. |
Flammability. |
No more must we be content with insignificant patches of carrots or berries - we can burn proper crops.
(I also stole his shovel.) |
This, dear reader, is what VINDICATION looks like. |
Pig Houses can now be ignited, with a forest fire or a precision arson strike using a torch or Willow's lighter. |
Bearing in mind that I only appreciate this addition for the realism, as unburnable wooden houses shattered my suspension of disbelief and greatly limited my immersion in the world...PEEKABOO! |
That is why. If anyone ever needs an argument in favour of downloadable content, this is one of the more compelling non-pinball examples I've seen.
Also, drugs. |
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